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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Advil Aspirin Motrin Tylenol - Increase Risk of Kidney Failure

"Cause and cure" will eliminate disease - not treating symptoms. I have a problem with “treating” an illness. Why are we treating it – taking care of it – is it worthy of the time, monies, efforts invested?” Semantics not withstanding, let’s move on.

Aspirin* & Tylenol
Cumulative risk increased faster with Tylenol than with aspirin

Advil & Motrin
The usual 500 mg pill
Three tablets a day - 1 year – chronic pain
Increased risk of kidney failure 3.3-fold

What is Ibuprofen: Ibuprofen is in a group of drugs called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It works by reducing hormones that cause inflammation and pain in the body. Ibuprofen is used to reduce fever and treat pain or inflammation caused by many conditions such as headache, toothache, back pain, arthritis, menstrual cramps, or minor injury.

Ibuprofen side effects Rash, ringing in the ears, headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, constipation and heartburn

Serious Ibuprofen side effect is ulceration of the stomach or intestine, ulcers may bleed. Bleeding can occur without abdominal pain, and black tarry stools, weakness, and dizziness upon standing (orthostatic hypotension) may be the only signs of a problem.

Renal ibuprofen side effects: include reduction of blood flow to the kidneys, impaired function of the kidneys. The impairment likely to occur in patients with preexisting impairment of kidney function or congestive heart failure; use of ibuprofen in these patients should be done cautiously.

Allergic side effect People allergic to other NSAIDs, including aspirin, should not use ibuprofen. Individuals with asthma are likely to experience allergic reactions to ibuprofen and other NSAIDs.

Excerpts from: Barks Herbs Roots Twigs - The Earth Pharmacy©

*See: Heart Disease & Aspirin – How it Works, March 22, 2011

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