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Monday, May 2, 2011

A Trillion Dollar Industry!

There is an entire industry with an innate economic interest to obstruct, suppress and discredit any information about the eradication of diseases. The pharmaceutical industry makes over one trillion dollars from selling drugs for ongoing diseases. These drugs may relieve symptoms, but they do not cure. We have to realize that the mission of this industry is to make money from unending diseases. The cure or eradication of a disease leads to the collapse of a multi-billion dollar market of pharmaceuticals.
10 mg. Norvasc for hypertension costs .14 to produce - cost to patients is $180.29
1 mg.   Zantac for acid reflux costs 1.01 to produce - $344.77 cost to patients
10 mg. Claritin antihistamine for allergy costs .21 to produce and - $215.17 to patients

The retail mark-up for otc and prescription drugs could explain the need for “prescriptions only” insurance programs that appear to offer great savings to consumers; with low monthly payments, patients receive substantial monetary saving when purchasing medicines that “treat” disease.  

Akin to treating the symptoms, is the illusion of health created when our ability to think naturally is numbed; re-programmed to feel better about buying overpriced drugs that keep us dependant while treating a disease until we die … probably from side-effects.

However, numbing the symptoms of a disease that requires decades of “treatment” generates a price none can afford. The side-effects of treating symptoms instead of focusing on the cause and cure of disease are financially and physically killing us! During my research, NOT one otc or prescription drug has less than 3 side effects.

Excerpts from: Barks Herbs Roots Twigs - The Earth Pharmacy©

This is not medical advice or medicine. The contents of Barks Herbs Roots Twigs - The Earth Pharmacy© is researched material presented as an information reference source.

Nutritional supplements may react adversely with prescription medications. Consult a physician about incorporating nutritional supplements in your specific health regime.  


  1. Thank You for spreading the truth.
    If only the general public would wake up, we could all be truly free citizens and not slaves of the system.

    1. Someone is listening! Thank you Anonymous for visiting and taking time to comment. How right you are! The drug manufacture’s goal is to assure the public remain addicted [asleep] to over-the-counter and prescription drugs. There are Tonic Herbs for every ailment, disease and sickness known to and made by humans, AIDS included. God created Tonic Herbs before forming man.;postID=8036563362484284825;onPublishedMenu=overview;onClosedMenu=overview;postNum=35;src=postname

      Dr. William Osler, (1849-1919):
      1) Far too large a section of the treatment of disease is today controlled by the big manufacturing pharmacists...

      2) The desire to take medicine is perhaps the greatest feature which distinguishes man from animals.

      3) One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine.

      4) We take into our bodies that which we know little about, drugs that we know less about, to treat diseases we know nothing about.

      What would Dr. Osler say about the litany of side-effects associated with over-the-counter and prescription medicines; about treating side effects; and about the frequency and ease with which doctors over-prescribe synthetic drugs?;postID=2122553689262238523;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=0;src=postname

      To truly be free and not slaves of the traditional health-care system we must go back to nature for Good Health, Naturally …
