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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tonic-Herbs for Bell's Palsy

What is Bell's Palsy? Bell's palsy is named for Sir Charles Bell, a 19th century Scottish surgeon who was the first to describe the condition. The disorder is the most common cause of facial paralysis.                                                                                                                                              

Bell's palsy is a form of temporary facial paralysis resulting from damage or trauma to the facial nerves. The facial nerve-also called the 7th cranial nerve-travels through a narrow, bony canal (called the Fallopian canal) in the skull, beneath the ear, to the muscles on each side of the face.
Symptoms: May include twitching, weakness, or paralysis on one or rarely both sides of the face, drooping of the eyelid and corner of the mouth, drooling, dryness of the eye or mouth, impairment of taste, and excessive tearing in one eye.                                                                                                                                                                                

Cause: Bell's palsy occurs when the nerve that controls the facial muscles is swollen, inflamed, or compressed, resulting in facial weakness or paralysis. Most scientists believe that a viral infection such as viral meningitis or the common cold sore virus—herpes simplex—causes the disorder. … Causing pressure within the Fallopian canal and leading to ischemia (the restriction of blood and oxygen to the nerve cells).                                                                                                                                                                               

Bell’s Palsy Patients: Bell's palsy afflicts approximately 40,000 Americans each year. It affects men and women equally and can occur at any age, but it is less common before age 15 or after age 60. It disproportionately attacks people who have diabetes or upper respiratory ailments such as the flu or a cold.                                                                                                                                                                                      
Prednisone: Is an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive steroid drug which is an analogue of hormones that are produced by adrenal glands. Prednisone is a prodrug, because it is an inactive precursor of prednisolone.                                                                                                                                                                                     
Immunosuppressive Steroids: for example prednisolone and methyl prednisolone, are useful and are the most commonly prescribed immunosuppressive drugs. Large doses over a long period of time can result in a long and well-known list of side-effects including: Weight gain and raised blood pressure; Diabetes; Osteoporosis; Thinning of skin and easy bruising; Risk of serious infections.

Prognosis The prognosis for individuals with Bell's palsy is generally very good. Improvement is gradual and recovery times vary. With or without treatment, most individuals begin to get better within 2 weeks after the initial onset of symptoms and most recover completely, returning to normal function within 3 to 6 months. In rare cases, the disorder may recur, either on the same or the opposite side of the face.                                                                                                                                                            

Current Research Within the Federal Government, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is responsible for supporting and conducting research on brain and nervous system disorders, including Bell's palsy.

Other NINDS-supported research is aimed at developing methods to repair damaged nerves and restore full use and strength to injured areas, and finding ways to prevent nerve damage and injuries from occurring.
Unless cited beneath text the information above is from: BRAIN; P.O. Box 5801; Bethesda, MD 20824; (800) 352-9424;

Commentary-Body Systems The nervous system is essential for the mechanical operation of the brain, heart, lungs, etc. and other functions as well. One of the skeletal system’s responsibilities is to house and protect internal organs and systems. Garlic balances all of the body’s systems and fortifies all of the body’s organs.                                                                                                                              

Tonic Herbs One of the most useful remedies for inflammation, garlic is the first herb on the list when any dangerous infection is present. For any infection, anywhere in the body garlic can and should be taken internally. Garlic is a very powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and anti pathogen substance. It is the heavy artillery when it comes to destroying any type of infection.                                                                                                                                                                 

The immune system when working at its optimum has the ability to stave-off flu, infections, high blood pressure, diabetes, and much more. Garlic has been proven to fortify the immune system.

Apple Cider Vinegar ACV appears to have effects similar to some of the most popular medications for diabetes" (Acarbose or Metformin) continues Professor Johnston and "Further investigations to examine the efficacy of vinegar as an anti-diabetic therapy is warranted." In her words, "The acetic acid in vinegar may inhibit enzymes that digest starch so that carbohydrate molecules aren't available for absorption and are eliminated as fecal matter."
Lemon Being a citrus fruit fight against infection. It helps in production of white blood cells and antibodies in blood which prevents infection.

Garlic is considered to be the best herb for directly lowering blood sugar as well as for the repair of pancreas cells and stimulating the pancreas to produce insulin [naturally]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Herbs for Diabetes: See:

Upper Respiratory Ailments: See:

Nature’s Penicillin Modern science has shown that garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic, with a wide-ranging affect rather than targeted. If ill garlic repairs and fortifies organs and balances the body’s systems.

Inflammation is an immune response to injury or infection causes pain, redness, heat, and swelling in affected area (Latin, inflammare = to set on fire).

Tonic Herbs: The emphasis must shift from treating disease to increasing the body’s natural defense and restorative abilities. The “business of disease” is extremely profitable. The medical community is neither ready nor willing to consider change.   

Nutritional Garlic Supplement

Garlic is a scientifically proven panacea for the human body. The TONIC Nutritional Garlic Supplement contains all the power of garlic without the unpleasantness! Personally taken for over 50 years for Good Health, Naturally
This is not medicine or medical advice. Nutritional supplements may react adversely with over-the-counter and prescription drugs. Discuss this information with your health care professional for diagnoses and treatment of Bell’s palsy or any health concern.

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