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Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Fibromyalgia and The Garlic Remedy

 What is Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues. Researchers believe that fibromyalgia amplifies painful sensations by affecting the way your brain processes pain signals.
Sometimes symptoms begin after a physical trauma, surgery, infection or significant psychological stress. In other cases, symptoms gradually accumulate over time with no single triggering event. … Women are much more likely to develop fibromyalgia than are men. Many people who have fibromyalgia also have tension headaches, joint disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety and depression. While there is no cure for fibromyalgia, a variety of medications can help control symptoms. Exercise, relaxation and stress-reduction measures may also help.  

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia symptoms include widespread body pain, fatigue, poor sleep and mood problems. But all of these symptoms are common to many other conditions. And because fibromyalgia symptoms can occur alone or along with other conditions, it can take time to tease out which symptom is caused by what problem. To make things even more confusing, fibromyalgia symptoms can come and go over time. That's why it can take a long time to go from fibromyalgia symptoms to a fibromyalgia diagnosis. No specific test for fibromyalgia.
 Fibromyalgia can't be easily confirmed or ruled out through a simple laboratory test. Your doctor can't detect it in your blood or see it on an X-ray. Instead, fibromyalgia appears to be linked to changes in how the brain and spinal cord process pain signals. Because there is no test for fibromyalgia, your doctor must rely solely on your group of symptoms to make a diagnosis. In the American College of Rheumatology guidelines for diagnosing fibromyalgia, one of the criteria is widespread pain throughout your body for at least three months. "Widespread" is defined as pain on both sides of your body, as well as above and below your waist.
a- Commentary: Would frequent colds/flu, allergies, exposure to toxins and use of Rx and o-t-c drugs constitute a physical trauma to the body similar to a fractured bone?

Relaxation and stress-reduction measures may help; could increased holistic methods (exercise, herbs, meditation, etc.) help reduce stress/nervous-system symptoms to the point on less medication?      

Cause of Fibromyalgia
No one knows what causes fibromyalgia; however ...  people with it may have abnormal levels of Substance P, a chemical that helps transmit and amplify pain signals to and from the brain. Persons with fibromyalgia it is as though the volume control is turned up too high in the brains’ pain processing areas.  [P101 Risk Factors & Preventative Measures]
Substance P is a small peptide that's released when the nervous system is stimulated. It's involved in the regulation of the pain threshold (the point at which sensation is perceived as pain). Increased levels of substance P can make nerves more sensitive to pain and heighten the awareness of pain. Research suggests that some people with fibromyalgia may have elevated levels of substance P.
Substance P often functions as a neurotransmitter, which means that it communicates signals from one brain cell to another. It's one of several neurotransmitters believed to be dysregulated in fibromyalgia.
b-Commentary: My understanding: Substance P is a vital chemical necessary for brain functioning; which signals the hormone-making organs to generate this chemical that affects the delicate balance of the nervous/pain system; Right?

IF indeed garlic has the ability to balance all body systems and fortify all organs … the questions shift to who, what, when, how’s of a garlic remedy?  Why; because rather contend with the smell that cures vs synthetic treatments that kill!
The Garlic Remedy                                                                                                                       Garlic can relieve fibromyalgia inflammation … there's overwhelming evidence that garlic can block the enzymes that bring on inflammation thus giving relief to those who suffer from ailments like arthritis and asthma. For many years, experts have known that a large number of pro-inflammatory but new evidence has turned this idea on its head, lending credence to the theory that many of the conditions associated with fibromyalgia are of an inflammatory nature. But anti-inflammatory drugs can be hard on the liver and digestive tract, so it's important to find another way to fight off inflammation.
Garlic has been shown to not only relieve inflammation, but can eradicate the bugs that can bring on colds and flu, stomach viruses, yeast infections, tuberculosis, and botulism. The herb has also been demonstrated to reduce levels of the chemical that make your body friendly to certain viruses, such as HIV. Using garlic cytokines (proteins excreted by cells in the immune system) are found in chronic fatigue syndrome patients. Until now, scientists weren't convinced that fibromyalgia patients experienced a similar inflammatory response, can therefore result in a lower viral load. Garlic is also known to promote good heart health and may also lower your risk profile for certain cancers.
When you are suffering from a hormonal imbalance, inflammation can occur, disrupting your body’s processes. Garlic can reduce that inflammation, helping hormones so they do not have to overcompensate for those cellular changes.
Inflammation is an immune response to injury or infection causes pain, redness, heat, and swelling in affected area.

Garlic is the first herb on the list when any dangerous infection is present. For any infection, anywhere in the body, garlic can and should be taken internally;
Garlic one of the most useful remedies for inflammation is a very powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and anti pathogen substance. It is the heavy artillery when it comes to destroying any type of infection.
Garlic alone can provide us with over two hundred unusual chemicals that have the capability of protecting the human body from a wide variety of diseases. Balancing and fortifying all systems and organs Garlic is a scientifically proven panacea for the human body.      
The TONIC Nutritional Garlic Supplement contains the power of raw garlic without the harsh garlic residue. It’s proven to prevent colds/flu [disease] without the lethal side-effects of prescription and over-the-counter drugs.
The unique combination of organic ingredients makes The TONIC an effective liquid supplement that enables the body to repair itself creating Good Health Naturally. 
This is not medicine or medical advice. Consult your health-care professional for diagnosis and treatment of all health concerns.

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